The twelve principles of interfaith dialogue at local level
Guidelines for improving understanding of local authorities in interfaith dialogue

When it comes to interfaith dialogue, local authorities sometimes find it hard to strike the right balance between not interfering and not remaining indifferent. In our societies where freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are the rule, it is not for the authorities to initiate such dialogue.
To improve understanding of local authorities’ role here, the Congress held two conferences in Montchanin (France) in 2006 and 2010,attended by elected representatives, academics and representatives of international and faith organisations.
The discussions and exchanges of best practices focused mainly on local authorities’ role in interfaith dialogue, the principles of secularism, religious education practices, training of religious leaders and funding of places of worship.
The 12 guidelines produced following the conferences centred on the themes of:
- knowledge
- understanding of the local religious situation
- understanding between participants in thedialogue
- establishing partnerships