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Extremism Information Centre

Best practice Family support

The Extremism Information centre is a nationwide contact point for parents, teachers, social workers or any other person seeking advice concerning issues of violent extremism. We apply a broad definition of extremism, which includes politically motivated extremism as well as religiously motivated extremism.

The Extremism Information Centre was installed in December 2014 and is financed by the Ministry of Family and Youth. It offers a free helpline, face to face counselling and a broad variety of workshops and trainings on issues such as anti-discrimination, anti-Muslim racism, jihadism and right wing extremism.

The Extremism Information Centre offers anonymous counselling free of charge. It provides a counselling model for sustainable solutions together with stakeholders and an interdisciplinary team of experts.

We help to assess the situation and to determine appropriate interventions. Is the reported behaviour a sign of radicalisation towards terrorism? Is it rather a sign of rebellion and provocation? We provide general information (on legal issues) and specific information. We refer to other institutions such as family counselling centres, open youth work organisations or the labour market service and we offer face-to-face counselling.

When we work with individuals at risk, the voluntary engagement of the client is a precondition. We have a long-term approach and try to detect underlying problems and drivers of radicalisation. We focus on the affective aspect. The first advice we give parents is to stay in contact with their children, to maintain a relationship, to speak with their children, to encourage them to share their ideas and not to argue on ideological issues.

The aim of our intervention is to provide the individuals with emotional support and to find ways to give back trust and cooperative attitudes by strengthening the family and adolescents within their social environment. We create a support system and provide alternative social contacts and alternative perspectives regarding school or job. We include a broad spectrum of professionals from the fields of probation work, youth work, family counselling centres, official bodies, job centres, therapists and (religious or other) experts. We work closely together with the Security Service and the police, but they are only involved if requested (by the clients) or in cases of immediate danger.

Contact details:

1020 Wien

Verena Fabris
Tel: (+43) (0) 660 6338944

To find out more, follow this link